Textbooks on Reserve

Textbooks on Reserve
Funds support the purchase of textbooks made available for checkout to students.
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Textbooks available for checkout.

The Miami University Libraries play a pivotal role at the heart of Miami University’s vibrant scholarly community, both on campus and across the globe. When faced with the challenges of the past year and a half, we did what we’ve always done: we adapted and innovated to meet and anticipate the needs of our community.

New delivery methods for physical materials and enhanced virtual services brought the Libraries’ resources to Miamians wherever they were so they could continue their research and scholarship despite distance and pandemic restrictions. These initiatives represent not only the Libraries’ response to an unprecedented situation, but also the long-standing commitments at our core: to connect our community with the guidance and resources they need to succeed no matter the barriers.

Together with long-standing projects like our work with the Provost's Office to reduce students’ education costs or our textbooks on reserve program, we're adapting to address challenges new and old.

It takes more than just a trailblazing spirit, however. Our mission is made possible by the support of generous alumni and friends who see and value the role the Libraries play in every Miamian’s academic success. The foresight of donors like you gives us flexible, agile resources to rapidly redeploy where needs are most pressing, reinforce strategic priorities, and pursue new opportunities to better serve our community.

No matter how the circumstances have changed over the centuries since its inception, the University Libraries have always remained true to our founding purpose. We hold open the gates to knowledge, steward our shared history, and make thoughtful connections between resources, people, and disciplines. Your gift to the University Libraries – whether in support of the textbooks on reserve or to the Pressing Needs fund – helps ensure the continuation of this mission and the academic success of all Miami University’s scholars.

The high cost of textbooks presents a significant financial challenge to many students and their families. Costs have risen more than 1,000 percent over the past four decades, outpacing the consumer price index, housing prices, and medical costs.

The University Libraries are addressing this barrier by purchasing textbooks for the Miami University classes with the highest enrollment and making them available for in-library checkout, free of charge. This gives students the ability to complete assignments and access readings without the financial hurdle. Together with our work with the Provost’s Office on affordable learning initiatives, the textbooks on reserve program makes an impact on the ability of all scholars in our community to succeed.

With additional support from donors like you, the Libraries will purchase additional copies to enable more or longer checkouts, and books from additional courses.